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1953 - 2024




Revox A77 MKIII Tape Recorder (Series 2)


The tape recorder has just been overhauled and is in very good working condition, both for playback and recording. Mechanically, everything is fine. The second series of MKIII - Made in Germany by Studer/Revox, 1971-1974.


Heads: recording, playback, erasing

Engine: 3 engines, 2 x reel, 1 x capstan

Reel size: up to 10.5 inch reel

Equalization: NAB, IEC

Tape speeds: 3 3⁄4 7 1⁄2 ips

Wow and flutter: 0.08% (7 1⁄2 ips)

Frequency response: 30Hz to 20kHz (7 1⁄2 ips)

Signal to Noise Ratio: 62dB

Total harmonic distortion: 0.6%

Crosstalk: 45dB

Input: 35mV (line), 0.15mV (mic)

Output: 1.2V (line)

Output power: 8 watts

Semiconductors: 54 x transistors, 32 x diodes

Dimensions: 415 x 359 x 180mm

Weight: 25kg

Delivery time 1-4 days


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"The well known reliability of the Revox A77 is a result of a professional design concept, a concept which successfully combines the advantages of a solidly built tape transport mechanism with those of an advanced electronic circuit design.

A 3 motor transport mechanism with electronically regulated capstan motor and solenoid operated servo brakes possesses few parts which are subject to mechanical wear.

The use of a die-cast motor chassis and head support ensures that a high degree of mechanical precision and long-term stability are maintained, even under excessively heavy use.

The mechanical and electrical properties thus complement each other in a most successful way.

Models include the A77 professional, A77 SLS (super low speed) for up to 12 hours of recording, and the A77 Autostart (Vox) for security applications."

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Revox A77 MKIII Tape Recorder (Series 2)

Revox A77 MKIII Tape Recorder (Series 2)

The tape recorder has just been overhauled and is in very good working condition, both for playback and recording. Mechanically, everything is fine. The second series of MKIII - Made in Germany by Studer/Revox, 1971-1974.


Heads: recording, playback, erasing

Engine: 3 engines, 2 x reel, 1 x capstan

Reel size: up to 10.5 inch reel

Equalization: NAB, IEC

Tape speeds: 3 3⁄4 7 1⁄2 ips

Wow and flutter: 0.08% (7 1⁄2 ips)

Frequency response: 30Hz to 20kHz (7 1⁄2 ips)

Signal to Noise Ratio: 62dB

Total harmonic distortion: 0.6%

Crosstalk: 45dB

Input: 35mV (line), 0.15mV (mic)

Output: 1.2V (line)

Output power: 8 watts

Semiconductors: 54 x transistors, 32 x diodes

Dimensions: 415 x 359 x 180mm

Weight: 25kg

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