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Akai GX-620 Tape Recorder (1979-82)


In very good condition, both technically and aesthetically. Made in Japan, 79'-82' - direct drive, 3 motors, 3 ferrite glass ends (GX), 26cm roller access. Sold without NABs.

Specifications (see also description):

Track system: 4-track, 2-channel, stereo/monaural system

Heads: 1 x record, 1 x playback, 1 x erase

Motor: 1 x capstan, 2 x reel

Reel size: up to 10.5 inch reel

Tape speeds: 3 3⁄4 7 1⁄2 ips

Wow and flutter: 0.03% (7 1⁄2 ips)

Frequency response: 30Hz to 26kHz (7 1⁄2 ips)

Signal to Noise Ratio: 62dB

Total harmonic distortion: 0.5%

Crosstalk: 40dB

Input: 0.25mV (line), 2.0mV (DIN), 70mV (mic)

Output: 0.775V (line), 0.3V (DIN)

Dimensions: 440 x 446 x 241mm

Weight: 17.6 kg

Year: 1979



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Manufacturer: Akai

Model: GX-620

Years of construction: 1980 - 1982

Manufactured in: Japan

Color: silver, wooden case

Remote control: yes (wired remote control)

Power consumption: 120W

Dimensions: 443 x 475 x 228 mm (WxHxD)

Weight: 17.6 kg

New price approx.: 1'400 DM (1980)

Number of outputs: 3

Line (0.775V)

DIN (0.3V)

Headphones (100mV / 8 ohms)

Number of inputs: 3

Microphone (0.25 mV / 600 kOhm)

Line (70 mV / 100 kOhm)

Radio (2 mV / 10 kOhm)

Max. coil diameter: 26.5 cm

Drive: 3 motors

Heads: 3 tape heads

Tracks: 4

Tape speeds: 9.5 and 19 cm/s


Wow and flutter:

at 9.5 cm/s: < 0.1%

at 19 cm/s: < 0.08%

Pitch Fluctuations:

Overall Frequency Response:

at 9.5 cm/s: 30 - 19,000 Hz

at 19 cm/s: 30 - 26,000 Hz

signal-to-noise ratio:

at 9.5 cm/s: > 60 dB

at 19 cm/s: > 62 dB

Signal-to-noise ratio:

Distortion factor:


Crosstalk attenuation:

opposite stereo operation: < 40 dB (1 kHz)

Erasure attenuation: > 70 dB

Biasing and quenching frequency: 100 kHz

Product Details

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Akai GX-620 Tape Recorder (1979-82)

Akai GX-620 Tape Recorder (1979-82)

In very good condition, both technically and aesthetically. Made in Japan, 79'-82' - direct drive, 3 motors, 3 ferrite glass ends (GX), 26cm roller access. Sold without NABs.

Specifications (see also description):

Track system: 4-track, 2-channel, stereo/monaural system

Heads: 1 x record, 1 x playback, 1 x erase

Motor: 1 x capstan, 2 x reel

Reel size: up to 10.5 inch reel

Tape speeds: 3 3⁄4 7 1⁄2 ips

Wow and flutter: 0.03% (7 1⁄2 ips)

Frequency response: 30Hz to 26kHz (7 1⁄2 ips)

Signal to Noise Ratio: 62dB

Total harmonic distortion: 0.5%

Crosstalk: 40dB

Input: 0.25mV (line), 2.0mV (DIN), 70mV (mic)

Output: 0.775V (line), 0.3V (DIN)

Dimensions: 440 x 446 x 241mm

Weight: 17.6 kg

Year: 1979

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