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Formație de muzică veche din Tîrgu-Mureș • Conducerea muzicală: Brandner Nóra - Dansuri Și Cîntece Din Secolele XVI-XVII (Táncok

ST-ECE 01603
Label: Electrorecord | Country: Romania | Year: 1980 | Format: Vinyl LP | Media/cover condition: VG+/EX
Delivery time 1-4 days


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The discs are first washed and then treated with Knosti Disco Antistat cleaning solution; they are sent in outer protective film; the inner protective film is changed if it is not the original one and is significantly damaged.
Other specifications:
Subgenre: Renaissance, Népzene, Folk


A1.a Anonymus (16th century)* Allemande
A1.b Anonymus (16th century - from the collection of pieces for lute by A. Chilesotti)* Dance
A1.c Anonymus (from the Tablature of Jan de Lublin, XVI century)* Chorea
A2.a Anonymus (from the collection "Liber leviorum carminum" by Phalesius, 1571)* Allemande
A2.b Anonymus (16th century)* Pavane
A2.c Anonymus (from the collection "Liber leviorum carminum" by Phalesius, 1571)* Allemande
A3.a Melchior Vulpius Die Beste Zeit (The Best Time)
Composed ByMelchior Vulpius
A3.b Anonymus (from the collection "Tabulaturbuch auf dem Instrumente" by August Nörmiger, 1598)* Lengyel Tánc (Polish Dance)
A3.c Melchior Vulpius Die Beste Zeit (The Best Time)
Composed ByMelchior Vulpius
A4.a Claude Gervaise Branle De Bourgogne
Composed ByClaude Gervaise
A4.b Anonymus (from the Berlin Tablature, 1593)* Táncz
A5 Anonymus (from the "Theresianus" manuscript from Alba Iulia, XVI century)* Chorales 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
A6.a Anonymus (from "The Lute Book" by Wolf Heckel, 1562)* Ungarischer Tanz
A6.b Anonymus (from the Tablature of Jan de Lublin, XVI century)* Hayduczky
A7.a Jacques Régnart* Villanella
Composed ByJacques Régnart*
A7.b Anonymus (from "Ein schön Nutz und Gebräuchlich Orgel Tabulaturbuch" by Jacob Paix, 1583)* dance
B8.a Anonymus (from "Codex Vietoris", XVII century)* Oláh Tánc (Wallach Dance)
B8.b Anonymus (from "Codex Vietoris", XVII century)* Égő Lanban... (In Fire Pear)
B9.a Anonymus (from the Lőcse manuscript, XVII century)* Chorae Ex E
B9.b Anonymus (from the Book for Virginal Sopron, XVII century)* Ungarischer Tanz Des Fürsten Aus Siebenbürgen (Dance of the Ruler From Transylvania)
B9.c Anonymus (from the Lőcse manuscript, XVII century)* Chorae Ex E, Ex A, Ex E
B10.a Anonymus (from "Codex Vietoris", XVII century)* Mint Sír Az Fejér Hattyú (How the White Swan Weeps)
B10.b Anonymus (from "Codex Vietoris", XVII century)* Térj Meg Már Bujdosásidból (Return From Wandering)
B10.c Anonymus (from "Codex Vietoris", XVII century)* Sokan Szólnak... (Many Slander)
B11.a Anonymus (from "Codex Vietoris", XVII century)* Chorea Sponsa
B11.b Anonymus (from "Codex Vietoris", XVII century)* Elmehets Már (You Can Go)
B12.a Anonymus (from "Codex Caioni", XVII century)* Chorea
B12.b Anonymus (from "Codex Caioni", XVII century)* Dance
B12.c Anonymus (from "Codex Caioni", XVII century)* Oláh Kettős (Wallach Dance For Two)
B12.d Anonymus (from "Codex Caioni", XVII century)* Oláh Tánc (Wallach Dance)
B12.e Anonymus (from "Codex Caioni", XVII century)* Ötödik Tánc Hatodon (Dance in Sixes)
B13.a Anonymus (from "Codex Vietoris", XVII century)* Ó, Kedves Fülemülecske (The Pretty Nightingale)
B13.b Anonymus (from "Codex Vietoris", XVII century)* Ritka Kertben... (In the Little Garden)


  • Engineer [Sound]Cornelia Cotaibă
  • EnsembleOld music group from Tîrgu-Mureș
  • Graphics [Graphics]Alex. penny*
  • Performer, Alto Vocals [Voice (Alt)], Recorder [Blockflöte Soprano], Lute [Lute]Elekes Emőke
  • Performer, Bass Vocals [Voice (Bass)], Recorder [Blockflöte Soprano, Alt, Bass]Sipos Zoltán
  • Performer, Mezzo-soprano Vocals [Voice (Mezzo-soprano)], Alto Vocals [Voice (Alt)], Recorder [Blockflöte Alt, Tenor], Leader [Musical Leadership], Liner NotesBrandner Nóra
  • Performer, Soprano Vocals [Voice (Soprano)], Recorder [Blockflöte Soprano], Percussion [Percussion]Fábián Margit
  • Performer, Tenor Vocals [Voice (Tenor)], Recorder [Blockflöte Tenor, Bass]Szöts Daniel
  • Performer, Viola, PercussionHaáz Sándor
  • Producer [Editor]Adriana Velincov-Dan
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ST-ECE 01603
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Vinyl LP Album
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Formație de muzică veche din Tîrgu-Mureș • Conducerea muzicală: Brandner Nóra - Dansuri Și Cîntece Din Secolele XVI-XVII (Táncok

Formație de muzică veche din Tîrgu-Mureș • Conducerea muzicală: Brandner Nóra - Dansuri Și Cîntece Din Secolele XVI-XVII (Táncok

Label: Electrorecord | Country: Romania | Year: 1980 | Format: Vinyl LP | Media/cover condition: VG+/EX
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